

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Version 2 of the WBTR

Here are some pictures of the second version of my layout, I would say between 2003 and 2004. The room measured out to 18'x14', real nice size. I took the old layout apart first. Before putting the layout in the new room, I went ahead and installed backdrops which involved taping and floating the seams, and then primer and painting. After the room was done I was able to take the old layout pieces and temporaily install then to see where they would fit. Then I just filled in the empty areas with benchwork and trackage. Yard came out longer which was nice. This version was up for about a year and half to two years. Then I moved.

I decided to try some scenery, I really never have done that much scenery. I went out and did some research and read articles online, and took the plunge.

Doing scenery was not as bad as I thought it was going to be, I just followed step by step articles and tutorials. You can see the glue still not dried in the pictures, I guess I was in a hurry to take pics.


  1. I'm really impressed with the last four pics and your weathering skills!
    Great job!

  2. I second that! The scenery looks awesome!

  3. Thanks guys, it was my first attempt. I was just flying by the seat of pants on that.
